Data Structures & Algo.
Learn, Analyse and Implement Data Structure

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Prerequisites : C, C++
Duration : 2 Months
Difficulty : Beginner
Time Commitment : Daily 1 Hour
Daily Assignments & practicals

A data structure is a way of organizing the data so that it can be used efficiently. When we think of data structures, there are generally four forms: Linear: arrays, lists. Tree: binary, heaps, space partitioning etc. A data structure is a specialized format for organizing, processing, retrieving and storing data.

Reason to Learn Data Structures and Algorithms

  • A comprehensive knowledge of data structures in combination with algorithms is the core foundation of writing good codes. It reduces coding costs & enhances data accuracy, which is the ultimate goal of organizations.
  • To earn salaries as high as the developers of Amazon and Google, you need to improve your problem-solving abilities by mastering data structures and algorithms.
  • If you want to generate bug-free results in coding, then it is utmost important to excel these concepts.
  • Learning data structures and algorithms is also beneficial for a better understanding of new frameworks such as Angular, React, Vue, Spring MVC, etc.
  • When you get an exposure to a different range of problem-solving techniques, it helps you take up the next challenging problem easily.
  • Programmers who are competent in data structures and algorithms can easily perform the tasks related to data processing, automated reasoning, or calculations.
  • Data structure and algorithm is significant for developers as it shows their problem-solving abilities amongst the prospective employers. Thus, amplifies the chances of getting the job.

What you'll learn From This Course

After completing this course you will be confident enough to take up any challenging problem in coding using Data Structures.

  • Role of Algorithms and Data Structures in problem solving
  • Types of Data Structures
  • Identifying techniques for designing Algorithms
  • Sorting Data by using Bubble Sort Algorithm
  • Performing Linear Search
  • Sorting Data by using Selection Sort Algorithm
  • Implementing Binary Search
  • Sorting Data by implementing Shell Sort Algorithm
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation
  • Inserting a Node in a Linked List
  • Traversing a Doubly-Linked List
  • Implementing a Circular Linked List
  • Sorting Data by implementing Merge Sort Algorithm
  • Adding Polynomials Using Linked Lists
  • Implementing a Stack using an Array
  • Implementing a Binary Search Tree
  • Indexing & defining a Threaded Binary Tree
  • Graph Storing Data in a Graph
  • And Many More...